IDLSave - a Python module to read IDL 'save' files
Please note!
IDLSave has now been merged in to Scipy and is available from Scipy 0.9.0 onwards. To use the version in
, import the read
function with from scipy.io.idl import readsav
and then use readsav
as you would use idlsave.read
.Unless any bugs are discovered, there will be no more standalone releases of IDLSave, and future development will take place in Scipy. IDLSave 1.0.0 matches the version in Scipy 0.10.1.
IDLSave is a pure python module to import variables from IDL 'save' files (e.g. .sav) into python, and does not require IDL to work. It has a very simple command-line interface, and converts all IDL variables to python types. Arrays are converted to Numpy arrays, and Structures are converted to Numpy record arrays.
(1.0.0, released 1 August 2012)
This program is distributed with permission from ITT Visual Information Systems. To report bugs, you can use the issue tracker. However, if possible, please consider switching to using
and report bugs and feature requests via the Scipy tracker. To contact me directly, please use thomas dot robitaille [at] gmail dot com.To follow the development and get a copy of the latest development code, visit the GitHub pages.
- 1.0.0: Final standalone release. Includes bug fixes, and backported changes from scipy.io.idl
- 0.9.7: Code style changes to conform to scipy coding guidelines. This version is identical to the initial version committed to scipy.io.idl
- 0.9.6: Added unit tests. Results are now returned as a dictionary of variables. Variables can be added to an existing dictionary. Scalars are returned with correct Numpy type. Code re-released under MIT license.
- 0.9.5: Implemented reading in IDL .sav files written with the
option - 0.9.4: Fixed bug with pre-defined IDL structures
- 0.9.3: Implemented reading in of IDL pointers
- 0.9.2: Fixed reading of byte values/arrays
- 0.9.1: Implemented reading in of IDL structures as record arrays
- 0.9.0: Initial release
To install, simply run
python setup.py install
the IDLSave-x.x.x directory
Alternatively, IDLSave can be installed using pip install idlsave
if you have pip
installed.The only dependency for IDLSave is Numpy (1.3.0 or later)
Quick start
The following example demonstrates how to read a
file into
python. This is done using the idlsave.read
which returns an IDLSaveFile
instance. The variables
are then accessible as attributes to the IDLSaveFile
instance. Variable names are not case-sensitive. For structures (i.e. recarrays),
variable names can be access either lower or upper case, but not
mixed-case.Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Jul 7 2009, 23:51:51)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import idlsave
>>> s = idlsave.read('varsandstructs.sav')
Date: Tue Sep 22 11:15:11 2009
User: johndoe
Host: hal9000
Format: 9
Architecture: x86_64
Operating System: linux
IDL Version: 7.0
Successfully read 11 records of which:
- 7 are of type VARIABLE
- 1 are of type TIMESTAMP
- 1 are of type NOTICE
- 1 are of type VERSION
Available variables:
- nan [<type 'numpy.ndarray'>]
- nstruct [<class 'numpy.core.records.recarray'>]
- floatarray [<type 'numpy.ndarray'>]
- astruct [<class 'numpy.core.records.recarray'>]
- journalver [<type 'int'>]
- stringarray [<type 'numpy.ndarray'>]
- zstruct [<class 'numpy.core.records.recarray'>]
>>> s.journalver
>>> s.floatarray
array([[ 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00, 2.00000000e+00, ...,
9.70000000e+01, 9.80000000e+01, 9.90000000e+01],
[ 1.00000000e+02, 1.01000000e+02, 1.02000000e+02, ...,
1.97000000e+02, 1.98000000e+02, 1.99000000e+02],
[ 2.00000000e+02, 2.01000000e+02, 2.02000000e+02, ...,
2.97000000e+02, 2.98000000e+02, 2.99000000e+02],
[ 9.70000000e+03, 9.70100000e+03, 9.70200000e+03, ...,
9.79700000e+03, 9.79800000e+03, 9.79900000e+03],
[ 9.80000000e+03, 9.80100000e+03, 9.80200000e+03, ...,
9.89700000e+03, 9.89800000e+03, 9.89900000e+03],
[ 9.90000000e+03, 9.90100000e+03, 9.90200000e+03, ...,
9.99700000e+03, 9.99800000e+03, 9.99900000e+03]], dtype=float32)
>>> s.nstruct
rec.array([ (array([[ 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00, 2.00000000e+00, ...,
9.70000000e+01, 9.80000000e+01, 9.90000000e+01],
[ 1.00000000e+02, 1.01000000e+02, 1.02000000e+02, ...,
1.97000000e+02, 1.98000000e+02, 1.99000000e+02],
[ 2.00000000e+02, 2.01000000e+02, 2.02000000e+02, ...,
2.97000000e+02, 2.98000000e+02, 2.99000000e+02],
[ 9.70000000e+03, 9.70100000e+03, 9.70200000e+03, ...,
9.79700000e+03, 9.79800000e+03, 9.79900000e+03],
[ 9.80000000e+03, 9.80100000e+03, 9.80200000e+03, ...,
9.89700000e+03, 9.89800000e+03, 9.89900000e+03],
[ 9.90000000e+03, 9.90100000e+03, 9.90200000e+03, ...,
9.99700000e+03, 9.99800000e+03, 9.99900000e+03]], dtype=float32),
array([[a, a, a, ..., a, a, a],
[a, a, a, ..., a, a, a],
[a, a, a, ..., a, a, a],
[a, a, a, ..., a, a, a],
[a, a, a, ..., a, a, a],
[a, a, a, ..., a, a, a]], dtype=object), 'named structure')],
dtype=[(('floatarray', 'FLOATARRAY'), '|O8'),
(('stringarray', 'STRINGARRAY'), '|O8'),
(('comment', 'COMMENT'), '|O8')])
>>> s.nstruct.stringarray
array([ [[a a a ..., a a a]
[a a a ..., a a a]
[a a a ..., a a a]
[a a a ..., a a a]
[a a a ..., a a a]
[a a a ..., a a a]]], dtype=object)
Many thanks to Craig Markwardt for publishing the Unofficial Format Specification for IDL
files, without which this Python module would not exist. IDL® is a registered trademark of ITT Visual Information Systems, Inc. for their Interactive Data Language software.